Z00T2D0, Kazakhstan, Astana Tauelsizdik ave. 59, Kazakhstan
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Governing body

On the procedure for remuneration of the Management Board.

The procedure for the remuneration of the members of the Board of "Energoinform"JSC is defined in the Regulation on the management Board of  "Energoinform"JSC, Rules of remuneration and incentive of the administrative personnel of  "Energoinform" JSC, and also the Rules of evaluation and remuneration of governing and management employees of the "Energoinform"JSC at the end of the year.

The remuneration system for the Chairman and members of the Management Board includes the official salary and remuneration based on the results of work for the year.

The amount of salary of the Chairman and members of the Board of "Energoinform"JSC determined by resolution of the Board of Directors of  "Energoinform"JSC, differentiated depending on complexity of work positions in accordance with the scheme of salaries.

The Chairman and members of the Board of "Energoinform" JSC in order to gain interest in improving their efficiency and quality of work can be remuneration on the results of the year's work, the terms and manner of payment of which are determined by the Rules of evaluation and remuneration of governing and management employees of the "Energoinform"JSC at the end of the year.