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The company's 10th anniversary. Awarding of employees of the Western branch

The company's 10th anniversary. Awarding of employees of the Western branch

           This year, our company “Energoinform” JSC celebrated its 10th anniversary. During this time, despite all kinds of difficulties that arose in the process of establishing and strengthening our company in the market, we have managed to establish ourselves as a competitive company that is a supplier of advanced technologies and industry competencies in the ITC of the energy sector.

            As part of the celebration of the 10th anniversary, the Central Office of “Energoinform” JSC celebrated all its employees with commemorative medals, certificates of honor, and letters of thanks. It is always very pleasant when a person's work is evaluated on merit, everyone comes to the realization that his contribution is important, that he is a necessary and necessary link in the overall chain of the whole process.

Thus, in the Western Branch, 20 employees were awarded jubilee medals, 1 employee was awarded a Certificate of Honor by “Energoinform” JSC, and 7 employees were thanked.

A solemn meeting was held in the assembly hall to present all the awards. Opening remarks were made by the Director of Western branch of  "Energoinform" JSC - Amanzhol Uzakhpaevich Tagayiev. The invited guests were the management of the branch of "KEGOC" JSC "Western MES" - Chief Engineer- Serik Kuanshbaevich Tashubaev, Director- Konstantin Petrovich Chernokhaev.

With a congratulatory speech, the director of the branch "Western MES" K.P.Chernokhaev, wished everyone health, success in further work and presented awards to employees who have worked in the company for 10 or more years. During the congratulation, he noted that very favorable partnership relations have developed between the divisions of the “Western MES” branch of “KEGOC” JSC and the Western Branch of “Energoinform” JSC, which have a beneficial effect on the quality of service for the entire telecommunications complex of the “Western MES” branch.

It turned out to be a very beautiful and heartfelt event.

In general, we all work together for the prosperity of our industry!

Thank you to our company for such attention to its employees!