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Akmola branch of “Energoifnorm” JSC on the status of implementation of the CECS and AFPC project for “KEGOC” JSC

Akmola branch of “Energoifnorm” JSC on the status of implementation of the CECS and AFPC  project for “KEGOC” JSC

“Energoinform” JSC is the main contractor for the implementation of the project "Centralized Emergency Control System(CECS)" and "Automatic Frequency and Power Control System(AFPC)" for “KEGOC” JSC. As part of the implementation of this project, the following works were carried out to launch the CECS:

- The technological data transmission network has been configured

- SFP modules installed

The following works were performed to launch the AFPC:

- On SS 500/220/10 kV "Aurora" the cabinet of the AFPC system was installed

- laying of control cables from the cabinets of RPA up to AFPC

- Connection of analog and discrete signals to AFPC from the cabinets of RPA

- Software installed

- The main and backup data transmission channels between the AFPC cabinet and the CPFC are configured.