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In February, an online chess tournament was held

In February, an online chess tournament was held

     The year 2021 is marked by an important event for the citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the country celebrates 30 years of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. By the decree of the Head of State Kassym-Jomart Tokayev, the Concept and Plan of Events for the celebration of the 30th anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan were developed.

     According to the concept, each month is associated with a specific theme, so the month of "February" is defined by the theme: Kazakhstan is a sports nation.

     In order to implement the above documents, it was decided to hold a chess tournament dedicated to the memory of the great chess theorist A. G. Ufimtsev on February 7, 2021 (Sunday).

     Due to the situation in the Republic of Kazakhstan related to quarantine measures to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the chess tournament was held in an online format on a special online chess platform LICHESS.ORG. Due to the fact that the tournament is held online, a number of special requirements were imposed on the participants of the competition.

     A total of 25 employees of "KEGOC" JSC and its Subsidiaries ("Energoinform" JSC, LLP "RFC for Renewable Energy", NDC SO) took part in the tournament.

     The following employees took part from "Energoinform" JSC: Akparov Amirzhan, Birimzhan Meiram, Matzhan Musa, Yergaliev Iman and Berdengorov Daniyar.

     According to the results of the competition, the winners from among the participants were determined. Daniyar Berdengorov, an employee of “Energoinform” JSC, who took the 4th place, became one of the top five leaders.

     Congratulations on participating in the tournament! We wish you good health, good luck and achievement of new goals!!!