Z00T2D0, Kazakhstan, Astana Tauelsizdik ave. 59, Kazakhstan
- (Business contact)

The Southern branch of "Energoinform" JSC carries out work at the facilities of "PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources» JSC

The Southern branch of

      Employees of the Southern branch of "Energoinform" JSC carry out commissioning of the installed equipment at the facilities of "PetroKazakhstan Kumkol Resources" JSC. These works are performed at the following facilities:

- SS-110/35 kV " Kyzylkiya»;

- SS-35/6 kV " Karabulak»;

- SS-35/6 kV " South-West Karabulak»;

- SS-35/6 kV "North-Western Kyzylkiya".

7 employees of the branch were involved in the work. The work is performed according to the contract on time.